Rec.Juggling Archive, September 10, 1992

10-021430 cloister bell        what's the name of that pattern...
10-030726 terry jones          Re: How can I find the FKBs?
10-052213 Deron W. Barnhart    Dan Menendez
10-071812 Martin Frost         Re: what's the name of that pattern...
10-073232 Russell Michael VanT Wow
10-074650 Russell Michael VanT Re: what's the name of that pattern...
10-074951 Russell Michael VanT Juggler's World Magazine
10-142328 John Eric Sanders    Re: what's the name of that pattern...
10-160249 corn bear (Friedeman wat is the name of the pattern
10-161554 PHILLIP_SANMIGUEL    Re: How to run a Juggling Club (what they tell
10-171150 corn bear (Friedeman keeping new jugglers
10-191414 Jack Boyce           Re: Dan Menendez
10-192505 steven ragatz        Why have a club?
10-195625 IP95420@portland.BIT keeping new members
10-200620 PHILLIP_SANMIGUEL    Re: keeping new jugglers

Rec.Juggling Archive, September 10, 1992 / Juggling Information Service /
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