Rec.Juggling Archive, April 17, 1991

17-052013 Me, who else? (DeLon Notation and 5 balls
17-124452 - Tim E -            Relevant Subjects.
17-145609 Phil Paxton (4-0836) Another list?
17-151414 miguel@BCHM1.ACLCB.P NOTATION, info from Boppo.
17-152317 Duane Starcher       Four-ball shower and misc.
17-162454 thomasl@COPPER.UCS.I (none)
17-163600 LEWBEL@BRANDEIS.BITN misc.
17-164846 CUJSM@BOGECNVE.BITNE Reply to Notation and cross posting.
17-190126 miguel@BCHM1.ACLCB.P sym(n) answer.
17-191853 Jim Dorman           Careful reading
17-194237 pdm@CS.UOREGON.EDU   Re: natural ability & notation
17-203737 Phil Paxton (4-0836) Re: sym(n) answer.
17-221015 "LARRY SEILER, DTN22 Notation:  PLEASE keep it simple
17-223700 LEWBEL@BRANDEIS.BITN acad jug copies
17-231122 "LARRY SEILER, DTN22 Notation:  Example of a simple notation
17-234531 miguel@BCHM1.ACLCB.P More on notation/7 clubs from Boppo

Rec.Juggling Archive, April 17, 1991 / Juggling Information Service /
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