Juggling Club Meetings: Europe

European Juggling Association

  United Kingdom Germany


The Netherlands



Bregenz (+47.508,+009.754)
Jonglier Treff. Wednesday, 20:00-22:00. Sporthalle Vorarlberger Kinderdorf, Kronhaldenweg 2, 6900 Bregenz. Maria Keckeisen, ++43 5574 79357, In der Braike 4, 6900 Bregenz; Weiss Michael, ++43 5574 48534, Hofackerstrasse 27, 6911 Lochau; or Thomas Rupp, e-mail thomas.rupp@illwerke.co.at.

Feldbach/Stmk. (+46.953,+015.888)
Wednesday, 19.45, Turnsaal Volksschule Gossendorf. Willi Grain jun. ++43 3159 3242.

Graz/Stmk. (+47.083,+015.433)
Wed 6, Union sports hall, Gaußg.3. Rainer Kodritsch, ++43 316 961522.

Krems/NÖ (+48.417,+015.600)
Mon. 6.00 (September-June). BRG gym. Gottfried Lackner, ++43 2732 81867; or Gerald Hofmann, e-mail e9426004@stud1.tuwien.ac.at.

St. Pölten/NÖ (+48.200,+015.633)
New Sports, Erik Wöll, ++43 2742 51789

Vienna (+48.217,+016.367)

For information about all juggling meetings in Vienna contact:

Vienna (+48.217,+016.367)
Artis-Tick. Martin Krinninger, e-mail theater.alsergrund@magnet.at (Martin Krinninger).


Brussels (+50.850,+004.350)
Tuesday, 7 PM. École de Cirque de Bruxelles, Chaussée de Boondael 104, B-1050 Bruxelles, (02) 640 15 71. Elouan Preaud, e-mail helloman@infonie.fr.

Brussels (+50.850,+004.350)
Groupuscule Sauvage des Jongleurs Fous (Wild Team of Crazy Jugglers). Saturday afternoon, Monday evening, other times. Brussels Mont des Arts, near la "Bibliotheque Royale". Arsene Plastimuse ASBL, (O2) 534 68 17; or Misha Versaen, e-mail mversaen@ulb.ac.be.


Aalborg (+57.050,+009.933)
Aalborg Daghøjskole, Myl. Erichsenesvej. Tues 7-10 . During the summer outdoors in Kildeparken. Søren, +45 9818 2694, Gøglerskolen, +45 9815 6580.

Aarhus (+56.150,+010.217)
Det Ka'skade. Summer, Monday, 19.00-21.00. Uni-parken eller Botanisk have. Chris Mienert, e-mail chris_mienert@t-online.de; or Marie, +45 8610 8202.

Copenhagen (+55.667,+012.583)
Mon. 7-11, Medborgerhuset "Honen", Ahlefeldtsgade 33. During the summer: Sunday, 1, around the fountain in Kongens Have. Pia und Karsten, +45 3183 3238.

Odense (+55.400,+010.383)
So. 14.-16.00 Uhr. Munkebjergskolen, Fengersvej 6. Iben Svendsen, +45 6492 3131.

Sønderborg (+54.917,+009.783)
Them Jestars. Thursday, 19-23. Sønderborg Hus. Halfdan Skjerning, +45 7442 3165, e-mail skjernhalfdan@sndrborg-gym.dk; or Jakob Wendt, +45 7444 9353, e-mail wendt@sndrborg-gym.dk.


Helsinki (+60.167,+024.883)
Narri, Asemapaallikonkatu, Ita-Pasila. Daily, 9 AM to 5 PM. Kim Nystrom, +358-0-442 353 (h), +358-0-5112 4354 (w), e-mail Kim.Nystrom@ntc.nokia.com; or Lionell, 0 3471725.


Angers (+47.483,-000.600)
E. Lagren‚e, 41912377

Brest (+48.400,-004.500)
Association BALLOVOL (president:P.Feat, (33) Sun. 2-6 Gymnase de l'école Algésiras. Wed. 7-10pm, Gymnase A de Kerichen (rue de Kerichen). Eric Hardy. (33); or MPT de l'Hortelaize, (33)

Cachan (+48.783,+002.333)
Tuesday evening, except school holidays. ENS Cachan, banlieue Parisienne. Francis Bras, (33)(1), e-mail bras@ciss1.ens-cachan.fr.

Caen (+49.183,-000.350)
Club Jonglage de L'ENSI de CAEN - ISMRA. Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Foyer de l'ISMRA. Tel BdE ENSI CAEN:, Marc Bittar, e-mail jonglage@ensicaen.ismra.fr.

Cergy-Pontoise (+49.000,-002.033)
ESSEC Circus. Tuesday, 8-10 PM; Wednesday, 5-7 PM. ESSEC Graduate School, 1 avenue Bernard Hirsch, 95000 Cergy-Pontoise. Alain Descat, 1 01 30 30 43 88, e-mail e95082@edu.essec.fr; or BDS, ESSEC Sport Office, 1 01 30 30 53 90.

Epinal (+48.183,+006.450)
Do. 18.30-20.30, Salle Saint Exupery, Epinal Vosges, Marcel Grand, 29640167

Grenoble (+45.360,+005.320)
Club de Jonglage de l'INPG. Pierre Desjonqueres, e-mail desjonqu@ensibull.imag.fr.

Grenoble (+45.360,+005.320)
MJC Les Allobroges. Mon evening 20.00-22.00. Gymnase du vieux temple. 38000 Grenoble.

Lyon (+45.733,+004.867)
AJIL. INSA of Lyon. Gilles Tabary, 65 42 60 63, e-mail gtabary@ifhamy.insa-lyon.fr.

Lyon (+45.733,+004.867)
Jean-Claude Meunier, 44/o Rue Carnot, 69190 St. Fons, 16(7) 8670219.

Nanterre (+48.900,+002.200)
Les Noctambules. Wednesday, 8 PM. Ecole de Cirque, 220 Av de la République, 92000 Nanterre. Gérard Clarté, 1 47292359.

Nantes (+47.217,-001.617)
Archiballes Juggling Association. Thomas Chopin, 02 40 69 62 25; Diego Maraboli, 02 40 48 63 44; or Jean Baptiste Chene, 02 40 73 86 43.

Palaiseau (+48.717,+002.250)
Thurs. 6-10 pm except school holidays. Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, banlieue Parisienne. Sebastien.

Paris (+48.850,+002.333)
Workshops by the ADAC, organized by the Mairie de Paris:

Paris (+48.850,+002.333)
Forum des Halles, porte Pierre Lescot, à l'extérieur, à côté du manège (outside, next to the carousel). Métro: Châtelet, Les Halles; RER: Châtelet-Les Halles. An informal meeting takes place almost every afternoon.

Paris (+48.850,+002.333)
Les Roubadours
Maisons des Mines, 270 rue St Jacques, 75005 Paris. (Métro: Luxembourg).
E-mail: cirque@ens.fr, phone: (33) 1
Tous les mercredis soir hors vacances scolaires, de 20h jusqu'à minuit. Gratuit. Ouvert à tous.
Every Wednesday evening, except scholar holidays, from 9pm to midnight. Free. Open to everybody.

Rennes (+48.117,-001.033)
Laurent Gautier, 32 rue du Dr. François Joly, 35000 Rennes

Saint Martin d'Hères (+45.167,+005.767)
MJC Village 5, avenue Romain Rolland. Nicolas Thiery, +33 76 25 37 27, e-mail Nicolas.Thiery@ens.fr.

Toulouse (+43.600,+001.433)
Club Cirque de SUPAERO. 10 avenue Edouard Belin, 31055 Toulouse Cédex 04. Mathieu Peyrega, 05 62 17 86 82, e-mail Mathieu.Peyrega@supaero.fr; Vincent Michard, 05 62 17 88 96, e-mail Vincent.Michard@supaero.fr; Jerome Bourdon, 05 62 17 87 19 , e-mail Jerome.Bourdon@supaero.fr; or Sebastien Corolleur, 05 62 17 87 42, e-mail Sebastien.Corolleur@supaero.fr.

Tours (+47.383,+000.650)
Compagnie Off, 47 05 57 05

Vaison la Romaine (+44.233,+005.067)
Captain Bob's Circus Workshop, Mon. evenings. 90287464.

Valence (+44.933,+004.900)
Pat et Phil Compagnie, Rencontres Jongleries. Tous les lundis soir sauf vacance zone A, 21h-22h. Foyer Protestant, 11 rue Balzac. Michel, +33 75 56 81 33, +33 75 81 01 20; ou e-mail Nicolas.Thiery@ens.fr. 200F (100F pour l'adhésion à la Cie, 100F pour assurance, location du lieu, chauffage.) Prix saison 95/96. Non contractuel.


Thessaloniki (+40.633,+022.933)
Thessaloniki's Juggling Club. Saturday, 4.00 PM. Phillipou 51, first floor, in the Ecological Society's office. Yiannis, ++30 31 315611; or Katerina Kriezi, e-mail kkriezi@civil.auth.gr.


Cork (+51.900,-008.467)
University College Cork Juggling Club. E-mail jac@eolas.ucc.ie. Juggling and Acrobalance Club, c/o P.E. Office, College Road, University College, Cork, Ireland. Thursday and Friday, 5-7 PM. Lecture Room III, Lee Maltings. Andreas Martin, +353 21 904080, e-mail amartin@nmrc.ucc.ie; or Marion Schmoranzer, e-mail m.schmoranzer@student.ucc.ie.

Galway (+53.283,-009.050)
Fri 1800-2000, Eyre Square Centre. Nick, 0191 63586.

Maynooth (+53.383,-006.600)
Students Union, St. Patrick's College, Peter Loftus.


Bozen (+46.617,+011.433)
Tuesday, 8-10 PM. Sports hall of "Carducci" Lyceum, Mancistr. 10. Sepp Marmsoler, 0471 976529.

Meran (+45.700,+007.667)
Wednesday, 7-10 PM. Eucharistinersaal, Winkelweg 10. Sepp Marmsoler, 0471 976529.

Milan (+45.483,+009.200)
Mon-Fri afternoon. Parco Sempione - fontana di De Chirico. Claudio Madia, 02 4690971; Paolo Dei Giudici, 02 99040642, 0337 330773 (cellular), e-mail judex@iol.it; or Jochen Wenz, 02 4981983, 0338 362887 (cellular).

Milan (+45.483,+009.200)
Mon 21-24, Centro sociale Torkiera, piazzale Cimitero Maggiore, 18 02 38009614.

Pisa (+43.7122,+010.4059)
Libera Giocoleria Pisa, Facebook page, Facebook group. Wed 21-23, Via Giovanni Bovio, 19, 56125 Pisa, free. E-mail: ilparcheggione@inventati.org. Massimo, +393201570860; Federica, +393290085477.

Torino (+45.050,+007.667)
Gruppo Qui Quo Qua. Tuesday, 3.00-6.00 PM. Palazzo di Città. C.so Marconi 26, 011-6688008 (10215) Torino. E-mail juggling_eja_italia@gisit.it.

Venice (+45.439,+012.327)
Associazione Giocolieri. Club Venezia "Manolesta". Michele Pajer, AGILE, +39 41 5283426, e-mail agile@virtualvenice.net.

The Netherlands

Alkmaar (+52.633,+004.750)
Jam Juggle. First Sunday of month, 15.00. Parkhof-Victoriapark. E-mail: jplien@worldonline.nl.

Amsterdam (+52.350,+004.900)
Buurthuis 'De Tagerijn'. Wednesday, 19.00-20.30 (footbag), 20.30-23.30 (juggling). Balboastraat 18, Amsterdam, +31 20 6162496. Fee: Dfl. 1,50. Dirk Jan de Jong, +31 20 4275217, e-mail 18752@foo.hva.nl.

Amsterdam (+52.350,+004.900)
Buurthuis 'De Tulp'. Friday, 20.00-23.30. Postjeskade 200. Fee: Dfl. 1,-. Dirk Jan de Jong, +31 20 4275217, e-mail 18752@foo.hva.nl.

Delft (+52.017,+004.333)
Stichting Variatie in Variété. Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 8.30-11.00 PM. Vlouw 19a, Delft. Kees Kloosterboer, +31 15 2121584, e-mail keees@worldonline.nl; or Karin, +31 15 2141857, Geerweg 78, 2611 VR Delft.

Eindhoven (+51.450,+005.467)
Balans. Monday, 20:00-23:00; in the Heuvelgalerie (temporary). Wednesday, 20:00-22:00; Dynamo, de Smalle Haven. E-mail balans@dse.nl. Guido and Roger van Hout, +31 (0)40 254 27 98; or Hans Lambermont +31 (0)6 532 52 172.

Groningen (+53.217,+006.500)
Wed. 8, Damsterdiep 287 (Santelli). +31 50 3127840 (Jan)

Heerlen/Maastricht (+50.850,+005.583)
Geert Mestrom, +31 45 5710601 or +31 45 5727347.

Hoorn (+52.650,+005.067)
Wednesday, 18.30-19.30 for children up to age 12; 19.30-22.00 for anyone who is allowed to stay up late. Arno, 0229-213138; Frans McGonigle, e-mail gonigle@worldonline.nl.

Leeuwarden (+53.200,+005.783)
Circusschool De Hoogte. Wednesday evening. Haniasteeg 18, 8911 BX Leeuwarden. Circusschool, 058-2162236, 0516-471582; or Victor Sluiter, e-mail v.i.j.sluiter@elt.hen.nl. Fee, first lesson is free.

Nijmegen (+51.833,+005.867)
Knotsgek. Wednesday, 9 PM. At the Kroonstraat 150. Joep, +31 24 3600347; or Michael Cysouw, +31 24 3220297, e-mail m.cysouw@let.kun.nl.

Rotterdam (+51.917,+004.450)
Sunday, 14:00-18:00; Sportzaal at the corner of Essenburgstraat and Jagthuisstraat. Thursday, 20:00-23:00; Corverstraat 15. Bouke van Tongeren, +31 10 4667805.

Tilburg (+51.550,+005.117)
Thursday, 19-22, Buurthuis Hoogvenne. Jelske and Peter, 013-5367292, Poststraat 9, 5038 DG.

Twente (+52.333,+006.750)
Trouballs. Wednesday, 20:00-23:00; weekdays, 12:30-13:30. Speakers Corner of the Bastille at the University of Twente. Arwin van den Bos, +31 53 4309779, e-mail avdbos@saluton.iaf.nl, Steenbokstraat 24, 7521 XC Enschede, The Netherlands; André van den Bos, +31 53 4338586, e-mail bos@saluton.iaf.nl, or Bas ten Hoope, +31 53 489 5088, e-mail b.tenhoope@student.utwente.nl.

Utrecht (+52.083,+005.100)
Jopie Leenhouts, +31 30 2340810

Zwolle (+52.550,+006.083)
Mon. 8-10 (Sept.-June), Oranjeschool, Jufferenwal 26, Marinus Prins, +31 38 4541308, Carel de Goeÿ, +31 38 4653845.


Kragerø (+58.8678,+009.4092)
Sirkus perler (Cirkus Pearls). Friday 20:30. Gymnasium Kragerø ungdomskole (next to svømmehall), Kragerø, Norway. Meike Fromm, +47 40088896, e-mail diabolomika@gmail.com. We usually go to Cafe Centralen or Restaurant El Paso afterwards.

Oslo (+59.933,+010.733)
Baller i Lufta (Balls in the Air). Tuesday, 1900. Trafo på Tøyen, in Tøyen Parken. Magnus Dehli, +47 22 23 47 14, e-mail frdehli@sn.no, Grinda 11 B, 0861 Oslo, Norway.


Lagos (+37.100,-008.667)
Bangla, 082 767710

Lisbon (+38.700,-009.083)
Cesta D'Artes, Rua Alvestorgo 3 1§, 1100 Lisboa


Barcelona (+41.302,+002.092)
Juan, 93 3539516.

Cádiz (+36.534,-006.299)
Lunes y Jueves, 19:00. Casa de la Juventud.

Cordoba (+37.917,-004.750)
Paseo de la Victoria, Winter: IBAD Instituto, Pepe y Julian, 957 491166.

Granada (+37.217,-003.617)
Lobo, 958 120040.

Islas Canarias (+29.250,-016.500)
Rosa, 928 751192.

Madrid (+40.433,-003.700)
Asociacion de Malabaristas de Madrid (AM)
Federacion de Asociaciones de Nuevo Circo (FANC)
Adress: Alonso Castrillo, 18, E-28020 MADRID
Phone: +34-1-570 2547 (Javi)
Jon Gangoiti, e-mail jgangoiti@mvax.cbm.uam.es
Place: Young Hostel "Richard Schirrmann"
Casa de Campo
underground/ subway station: El Lago
1 Km away from this station
Wednesday and Friday, from 18 h until 00 h

Pamplona (+42.817,-001.650)
Monday and Thursday, 7.00. Centro Cultural Suslarrotxa de Iruôea.

San Sebastian (+43.317,-001.983)
E.M.E. Patxi Fadriqu, 943 143090-529703, Oikia Plaza 3ø, SP 20759 Oikina.

Santander (+43.465,-003.804)
Malabaracirco. Wednesday evening. Aula de teatro. Cati or Graham, 942-577370, Urb. El Cormoran, 7, 39310 Mogro, Cantabria.

Santiago de Compostelan (+42.883,-008.550)
Monday, 6-10. NASA, San Lourenzo 51-53, 15705 Santiago de Compostela. 0981 573998.

Torrelavega (+43.350,-004.050)
Malabaracirco. Tuesday evening. Casa Culture. Cati or Graham, 942-577370, Urb. El Cormoran, 7, 39310 Mogro, Cantabria.

Valladolid (+41.683,-004.683)
La Mano Tonta. Wednesday and Friday, 6-10. Centro civico Juan de Austria, Plaza Juan de Austria 11.

Zaragoza (+41.667,-001.050)
Fernando, 976 224011.


Juggling In Sweden

Göteborg (+57.717,+011.967)
Sat, Sun, and some other days. James, 031 129926.

Gotland (+57.500,+018.550)
Gotlörerna. Mon. 5.30, Jenny Pettersson, 0498 50110.

Lund (+55.708,+013.199)
Lund Juggling. Usually Monday, 17.00. The day is chosen about one week in advance. LTHs Kårhus. Björn Gedda, +46 (0)46 138030, e-mail Bjorn.Gedda@geol.lu.se, Klarinettgränden 7b, 22468 Lund.

Örebro (+59.283,+015.217)
STUDS Juggling in Örebro. Sunday, 14.00-17.00. Engelbrektsskolans gymnastiksal, Oskarsparken 10. Calle Hallberg, 019-320632, e-mail calle.hallberg@orebro.mail.telia.com, Norensbergsgatan 60, 702 12 Örebro; Miguel Colinet, 019-187140, e-mail mavros@hem.passagen.se, Hjalmarbergmansväg 26, 703 59 Örebro.

Stockholm (+59.333,+018.050)
Juggling in Stockholm. E-mail stockholm@juggling.org.

Umeå (+63.833,+020.250)
Thu. 19.00, Pedagoggränd. Petra Jönsson, e-mail tfypjs@cs.umu.se.

Uppsala (+59.867,+017.633)
Juggling in Uppsala.


Aarau (+47.367,+008.050)
1st and 3rd Mon. of each month, Jugendhaus Aarau (youth centre), Floesserplatz, (in summer at the Faerberplatz). 064 812423; Werner Rohr, 064 242752

Arbon (+47.517,+009.433)
Jongliertreff Arbon. Tues. 7-9, at the Seepark-saal by the lake (weather permitting) or in the Rondelle Youth Centre. Andreas Ryser, 071 446 77 63, e-mail ary@tele-net.ch, Freiheitsgasse 12 9320 Arbon.

Baeretswil (+47.333,+008.850)
Friday, 6.30-8 PM. Fabrikgebaeude Spoerri. Bettswilerstr. 2. Sonja Kunz, 9391021.

Basel (+47.533,+007.583)
Wed. 8-10, cycling sports hall, Im Wasenboden, (summertime: Schutzenmattpark near Bundesplatz). Henrik Schmidt 061 2711908

Bern (+46.917,+007.417)
Thurs. 7, sports hall at the Ka-We-De ice rink and swimming baths in the zoo (next to the U.S. embassy). Gerda Saxer, 031 3330392

Biel-Bienne (+47.150,+007.200)
Time and place varies. Dimo Moser, 032 421087; or Matthias Frey, 032 420562, e-mail freym@info.isbiel.ch.

Dietlikon/ZH (+47.433,+008.617)
Wednesday, 18.30-20.15; and Monday, 20-22. Dorf sports hall, Dietlikon. Bea and Piet, 01 8332344; or Pascal Hertli, e-mail e5hertli@twi.ch.

Gelfingen (+47.167,+008.250)
Wed. 8-10, Mehrzweckhalle "Husmaettli" (school term-time only), Beat 041 851827, Heinz 552171

Geneva (+46.233,+006.067)
Tuesday, 8-10. L'Ecole des Pervenches Í Carouge, entrance rue Jacques-Grosselin No. 4. Bernhard Gisin, 022 3499585, Perrelet, 7556087.

Langenthal (+47.183,+007.833)
COOP Freizeitcenter, Baeregg, 063 229622.

Lausanne (+46.533,+006.583)
Hoatzin Juggling Club Lausanne. Monday, 6 PM. At Vidy (near the Lake) in the middle of the track of the Little Train (petit train de l'expo 1964). In bad weather, at Parroisse Saint Therese, avenue de Montoie. Arnaud "Coxy" Wiesmann, (021) 922 12 77, avenue Nestlé 21, 1800 Vevey VD; Christophe "Speedy" Ballif, (021) 617 25 38, e-mail ballif@ipasg.epfl.ch; or Manfred Regula, (021) 646 23 72, e-mail regula@ipasg.epfl.ch.

Luzern (+47.050,+008.300)
Wed. 7-10, in the Loppersaal Hergiswil NW. Summer (fine weather) on the Aufschütti. Marcel Bienz, 041 575312

Olten/Trimbach (+47.333,+007.883)
Di 19.-21.30, Schoenwetter Otten Bifangmatte, Schlechtwetter Trimbach Turnhalle Brüggerstr. Didi Marti 06223 3492

Rikon (+47.450,+008.783)
Wednesday, 19:30-21:30. Circolino Pipistrello Winterquartier, CH-8486. Marco Kuhn, 052 383 30 03; or Remo Dörig, e-mail FlyingHigh@bluewin.ch.

Wetzikon (+47.317,+008.783)
Friday, 18-21.30, ab Maerz 95. Sonja Kunz, 01 9321151.

Wil (+47.467,+009.050)
Monday, 8 PM. ObereMhle. Heiri Wanderler, 073 220984.

Juggling Club Meetings: Europe / Juggling Information Service / meetings@juggling.org
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