IJA Affiliate Post-Festival Campout

The first ever affiliate-sponsored post-festival campout!

Jul. 21-23, 1995.


Toiyabe National Forest, Nevada.
Just 45 miles from the Hacienda Hotel


Stop Press
Due to a lack of a sellout and the need to reduce the size of our reservation, the deadline to register for the IJA Affiliate Camping trip is June 20th. There are currently about 50 paid reservations and about 30 unpaid, so there is still plenty of room for you to join in the fun!

Please spread the word of this deadline to your friends who may not have access to rec.juggling. If you are a member of an affiliate, please urge the other members of your club to be a part of this IJA event. This is an affiliate sponsored event and we still need some financial sponsorship. A few clubs have come forward with donations of $50 and $100 dollars, and I thank them wholeheartedly, but we still need more club sponsorship to make this thing work. Please Help!!

Plan on extending your stay after the IJA Festival to attend the First-Ever Affiliate Post-Festival Campout. The campsite is 8500 feet up in the mountains, where cool breezes whistle through the bristle cone pines as we finish off the week of fun with hiking, mountain biking, horseshoes, singing (or juggling) around the campfire etc. All transportation, food, drinks,cookstoves and the like will be furnished. If you can bring your own tent and sleeping bag, it will make life easier, if not, let us know and arrangements will be made. All of this for the incredibly low price of just $20 per person! Make your reservations early because space is limited and we can only take the first 140 people who sign up.

Friday,July 21--12:00 pm---One large bus will arrive at the Hacienda Hotel to take you out to the campground. Please be checked out and ready to go at this time so the whole party doesn't have to sit in the sun in a bus waiting for you. There will be lots of room in the bus for your luggage and props, as well as a rental truck for secure storage of costumes, unicycles, or whatever else you have with you that you don't want in your tent.

There will be an info board at the festival all week with updates on details concerning this storage service. It is hoped to use this info board also to determine pairings of tent space. Some 2 person tents, and some 4 person ones will be rented. If financially possible, there will be no more than three people in each 4-person tent. Some people will be driving their own vehicles to the campground, and may have room for a passenger or two. This will all be worked out on the info board prior to Friday.

Once you reach McWilliams campground and get set up, snacks will be available. (chips, salsa, veggie platters, etc.) Dinner will be around 7:00 pm. consisting of the usual picnic bar-b-que stuff, burgers, hot dogs, potato salad, etc. Veggie burgers will be available, and they're open to suggestions for other veggie entrees.

Saturday--Do what ya want--Horseshoes and Cosmic Wimpout will be available and hopefully a volleyclub net. There is a ~ 6 mile loop hiking trail which starts at the campground, the literature says to allow about 4 1/2 hours for this hike. Mountain bikes are allowed if you're interested.

Breakfast--whenever you get up! Cereal, bagels & cheese, fruit, instant oatmeal etc. Lunch--cold cuts sandwiches, veggie platters, chips, etc. Once again, open to suggestions for veggie food Dinner--Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad.

Sunday--Breakfast, same as Sat. Think about getting up sort of early. The Bus is Scheduled for 10am instead of noon, as earlier planned. Most people have requested an earlier bus because they are flying out to the east. If that creates a problem for you, they'll'll try to work it out. Here again the info board will come into play during the week of the Festival, or pop them an email before July 12th.

Things to bring:

Sturdy shoes if you plan to hike. Warm clothes for the evenings--Nighttime temperatures will probably be in the 40's. Cameras & binoculars--Lots of beautiful scenery here Sunscreen--Remember that you'll be at 8500 ft. Even people who usually don't burn easily will up here Solar showers -- If you want a shower, you gotta bring your own. There are water hydrants in the campground, and both pit and flush toilets, but no shower facilities. Insect repellant -- don't know for sure about bug problems, but why chance it?

If you have any questions or suggestions, please e-mail them. If you don't get a response right away, email again. I have been having some trouble with America Online telling me that my messages have been sent when actually they're out floating around in cyberspace somewhere. If you don't hear from me, let me know! Also please spread the word to your friends without email and rec.juggling. I have neither time nor money to contact all the people individually by phone or snail-mail. Thanks!!

To register send $20 per person to (or to get further information)
Steve Gerdes of the Orange Jugglers
IJA Camping Trip
5535 Monlaco Road
Long Beach, Ca. 90808.
Tel: 310/497-1097
email: orngejuglr@aol.com
Please make checks payable to The Orange Jugglers.
Also, let me know what camping gear, if any, you will be needing (tents, sleeping bags, etc.)

Plus keep an eye on rec.juggling for updates.

IJA Affiliate Post-Festival Campout / Juggling Festivals / festivals@juggling.org
© 1995 Juggling Information Service. All Rights Reserved.